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Eleventh Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 - Friday, April 11, 2025, Kampala


Thursday, 10 April - High-level panel

[ 6 ] High-level panel 3: Follow-up on the outcome documents of the Summit of the Future in the context of advancing sustainable, inclusive, science-based and evidence-based solutions to increase the pace and scale of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063

[ 7 ] High-level panel 4: Capitalizing on the Second World Summit on Social Development to advance the achievement of African priorities (poverty eradication; full employment and decent work for all; inclusivity and social integration, leaving no one behind; and full achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the goals of Agenda 2063)

[ 8 ] Parallel meetings for an in-depth review of progress made, peer-to-peer learning and acceleration measures regarding the sub-themes of the Forum

Related Documents

ECA/RFSD/2025/8 | ARFSD-11 Background report on the sub-theme of life below water | Pre-session


ECA/RFSD/2025/9 | ARFSD-11 Background report on the sub-theme of partnerships for the goals of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 | Pre-session


[ 8.A ] Good health and well-being

[ 8.B ] Gender equality

[ 8.C ] Decent work and economic growth

[ 8.D ] Life below water

[ 8.E ] Partnerships for the goals of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063

[ 8.F ] Reports on the parallel meetings

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