Statutory reports (3 minutes to introduce each report, followed by 9 minutes for discussion of each report):
• Proposed programme plan for 2025 under subprogramme 4, Data and statistics (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/5)
• Report on statistical capacity development in Africa (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/6)
• Report on the progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/7)
• Progress report on the implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts and related statistical systems in Africa (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/8)
• Progress report on the Africa Programme on Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/9/Rev.1)
• Status of the 2020 round of population and housing censuses in Africa (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/10)
• Report on progress made in the implementation of the African programme on gender statistics (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/12)
• Status of integration of geospatial and statistical information in Africa (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/11/Rev.1)
• Proposed medium-term statistics plan of the African Centre for Statistics for the period 2025–2027 (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/14)
• Strategy and road map to assist countries in modernizing their administrative data systems for statistical purposes (E/ECA/STATCOM/9/2024/16)