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Fifty-sixth session of the Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe


Parliamentary document

E/ECA/CM/56/2 | Annotated provisional agenda: Conference of Ministers | Pre-session


E/ECA/CM/56/3/Rev.6 | Draft programme of work: Conference of Ministers | Pre-session


E/ECA/CM/56/INF/2 | Round table 1: global financial architecture reforms to address the intersection of debt, climate and development in Africa | Pre-session


E/ECA/CM/56/INF/3 | Round table 2: technology for development in Africa: crafting a path to inclusive technological advancement | Pre-session


E/ECA/CM/56/INF/4 | Round table 3: green trade and the future of Africa: navigating climate action, the African Continental Free Trade Area and global supply chains in the transition to sustainability | Pre-session
