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Committee on Private Sector Development, Regional Integration, Trade, Infrastructure, Industry and Technology (Third session)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 - Wednesday, November 15, 2023, Addis Ababa


Parliamentary document

E/ECA/CPRTIIT/3/6 | Advancing energy and digital technologies for a prosperous and inclusive green industrialization | Pre-session


E/ECA/CPRTIIT/3/5 | ISSUES PAPER: Boosting regional integration, infrastructure, trade and technology towards prosperous and inclusive green industrialization in Africa | Pre-session


E/ECA/CPRTIIT/3/7 | Leveraging the African Continental Free Trade Area: towards the deepened integration of Africa through inclusive and green industrialization | Pre-session


E/ECA/CPRTIIT/3/8 | Promoting inclusive green industrialization in Africa through sustainable infrastructure, agropoles and effective financial markets | Pre-session
